
Execute orchestration functions

salt.runners.state.event(tagmatch='*', count=-1, quiet=False, sock_dir=None, pretty=False, node='master')

Watch Salt's event bus and block until the given tag is matched

2014.7.0 新版功能.

This is useful for utilizing Salt's event bus from shell scripts or for taking simple actions directly from the CLI.

Enable debug logging to see ignored events.

  • tagmatch -- the event is written to stdout for each tag that matches this pattern; uses the same matching semantics as Salt's Reactor.
  • count -- this number is decremented for each event that matches the tagmatch parameter; pass -1 to listen forever.
  • quiet -- do not print to stdout; just block
  • sock_dir -- path to the Salt master's event socket file.
  • pretty -- Output the JSON all on a single line if False (useful for shell tools); pretty-print the JSON output if True.
  • node -- Watch the minion-side or master-side event bus. .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0


# Reboot a minion and run highstate when it comes back online
salt 'jerry' system.reboot && \\
    salt-run state.event 'salt/minion/jerry/start' count=1 quiet=True && \\
    salt 'jerry' state.highstate

# Reboot multiple minions and run highstate when all are back online
salt -L 'kevin,stewart,dave' system.reboot && \\
    salt-run state.event 'salt/minion/*/start' count=3 quiet=True && \\
    salt -L 'kevin,stewart,dave' state.highstate

# Watch the event bus forever in a shell while-loop.
salt-run state.event | while read -r tag data; do
    echo $tag
    echo $data | jq -colour-output .


See for an example of usage within a shell script.

salt.runners.state.orchestrate(mods, saltenv='base', test=None, exclude=None, pillar=None)

0.17.0 新版功能.

Execute a state run from the master, used as a powerful orchestration system.


salt-run state.orchestrate webserver
salt-run state.orchestrate webserver saltenv=dev test=True

在 2014.1.1 版更改: Runner renamed from state.sls to state.orchestrate

在 2014.7.0 版更改: Runner uses the pillar variable

salt.runners.state.orchestrate_high(data, test=None, queue=False, pillar=None, **kwargs)

Execute a single state orchestration routine

2015.5.0 新版功能.

CLI Example:

salt-run state.orchestrate_high '{
        {salt.state: [{tgt: "db*"}, {sls: postgres_setup}]},
        {salt.state: [{tgt: "web*"}, {sls: apache_setup}, {
            require: [{salt: stage_one}],
salt.runners.state.orchestrate_single(fun, name, test=None, queue=False, pillar=None, **kwargs)

Execute a single state orchestration routine

2015.5.0 新版功能.

CLI Example:

salt-run state.orchestrate_single fun=salt.wheel name=key.list_all