

salt '*' [ options ] sys.doc

salt -E '.*' [ options ] sys.doc cmd

salt -G 'os:Arch.*' [ options ]

salt -C 'G@os:Arch.* and webserv* or G@kernel:FreeBSD' [ options ]


Salt allows for commands to be executed across a swath of remote systems in parallel. This means that remote systems can be both controlled and queried with ease.






-h, --help


-c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir

Salt配置目录的位置。这个目录包含了Salt Master和Minion的配置文件。在大多数系统中,默认位置是``/etc/salt``。

-t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT

等待从Minion返回的超时时间,以秒为单位。超时时间说明了命令行客户端查询minion,然后检查运行任务会等待多长时间。默认 5

-s, --static

By default as of version 0.9.8 the salt command returns data to the console as it is received from minions, but previous releases would return data only after all data was received. Use the static option to only return the data with a hard timeout and after all minions have returned. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole.


Instead of waiting for the job to run on minions only print the job id of the started execution and complete.


0.17 新版功能.

Override the configured state_output value for minion output. One of full, terse, mixed, changes or filter. Default: full.


Execute the routine on a random subset of the targeted minions. The minions will be verified that they have the named function before executing.

-v VERBOSE, --verbose

Turn on verbosity for the salt call, this will cause the salt command to print out extra data like the job id.


Instead of showing the return data for all minions. This option prints only the online minions which could be reached.

-b BATCH, --batch-size=BATCH

Instead of executing on all targeted minions at once, execute on a progressive set of minions. This option takes an argument in the form of an explicit number of minions to execute at once, or a percentage of minions to execute on.

-a EAUTH, --auth=EAUTH

Pass in an external authentication medium to validate against. The credentials will be prompted for. The options are auto, keystone, ldap, pam, and stormpath. Can be used with the -T option.

-T, --make-token

Used in conjunction with the -a option. This creates a token that allows for the authenticated user to send commands without needing to re-authenticate.


Choose an alternative returner to call on the minion, if an alternative returner is used then the return will not come back to the command line but will be sent to the specified return system. The options are carbon, cassandra, couchbase, couchdb, elasticsearch, etcd, hipchat, local, local_cache, memcache, mongo, mysql, odbc, postgres, redis, sentry, slack, sms, smtp, sqlite3, syslog, and xmpp.

-d, --doc, --documentation

Return the documentation for the module functions available on the minions


Set the special argument used as a delimiter between command arguments of compound commands. This is useful when one wants to pass commas as arguments to some of the commands in a compound command.



-l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL

控制台日志级别。是``all``, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, ``quiet``的其中一个。默认|loglevel|.




Logfile 记录的日志级别。是``all``, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, ``quiet``其中一个。默认: warning.


-E, --pcre

目标表达式会当作PCRE正则表达式而不是一个shell 通配符

-L, --list


-G, --grain

目标表达式匹配值返回minion的Salt grains系统。目标表达式是这样格式'<grain value>:<glob expression>'; 比如:'os:Arch*'



minion上的Salt grains系统返回的目标表达式匹配值。目标匹配值是像这样的格式 '<grain value>:< regular expression>';;例如: 'os:Arch.*'

-N, --nodegroup

使用在Salt master配置文件中定义的预定义复合目标。

-R, --range



-C, --compound

Utilize many target definitions to make the call very granular. This option takes a group of targets separated by and or or. The default matcher is a glob as usual. If something other than a glob is used, preface it with the letter denoting the type; example: 'webserv* and G@os:Debian or E@db*' Make sure that the compound target is encapsulated in quotes.

-I, --pillar

Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target, use a pillar value to identify targets. The syntax for the target is the pillar key followed by a glob expression: "role:production*"

-S, --ipcidr

Match based on Subnet (CIDR notation) or IPv4 address.



Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This outputter can be any of the available outputters:

grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml

Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions; for instance, the grains outputter will not work for non-grains data.

If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the Python pprint standard library module.


If using --out=json, you will probably want --static as well. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole. This is due to using an iterative outputter. So if you want to feed it to a JSON parser, use --static as well.

--out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT

Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disable indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.

--out-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE







When using colored output the color codes are as follows:

green denotes success, red denotes failure, blue denotes changes and success and yellow denotes a expected future change in configuration.


salt(7) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)