
在0.9.4版本后,Salt已经可以在主要的Fedora源和 EPEL 中找到。使用yum安装即可。 相比红帽系列其他成员,Fedora有更新版本的Salt。这是一个伟大的地方,以帮助改善Salt!

WARNING: Fedora 19 comes with systemd 204. Systemd has known bugs fixed in later revisions that prevent the salt-master from starting reliably or opening the network connections that it needs to. It's not likely that a salt-master will start or run reliably on any distribution that uses systemd version 204 or earlier. Running salt-minions should be OK.


Salt可以通过 yum 和标准的Fedora仓库来安装。



yum install salt-master
yum install salt-minion


When a new Salt release is packaged, it is first admitted into the updates-testing repository, before being moved to the stable repo.

想要从 updates-testing 安装,使用yum带上 enablerepo 参数:

yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install salt-master
yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install salt-minion

Installation Using pip

Since Salt is on PyPI, it can be installed using pip, though most users prefer to install using a package manager.

Installing from pip has a few additional requirements:

  • Install the group 'Development Tools', dnf groupinstall 'Development Tools'
  • Install the 'zeromq-devel' package if it fails on linking against that afterwards as well.

A pip install does not make the init scripts or the /etc/salt directory, and you will need to provide your own systemd service unit.

Installation from pip:

pip install salt


If installing from pip (or from source using setup.py install), be advised that the yum-utils package is needed for Salt to manage packages. Also, if the Python dependencies are not already installed, then you will need additional libraries/tools installed to build some of them. More information on this can be found here.




systemctl enable salt-master.service


systemctl start salt-master.service



systemctl enable salt-minion.service


systemctl start salt-minion.service

现在前往 :doc: 配置Salt </ref/configuration/index> 页.