The following is walkthrough that documents how to run a sample SSH service and configure one or more proxy minions to talk to and control it.
Now, configure your salt-proxy.
and add an entry for your master's locationmaster: localhost
add_proxymodule_to_opts: False
multiprocessing: False
- p8000
This says that Salt's pillar should load some values for the proxy p8000
from the file /srv/pillar/p8000.sls (if you have not changed your default pillar_roots)
proxytype: ssh_sample
host: saltyVM
username: salt
password: badpass
salt-proxy --proxyid=p8000 -l debug
salt-key -y -a p8000
The following keys are going to be accepted:
Unaccepted Keys:
Key for minion p8000 accepted.
salt p8000 pkg.list_pkgs
. If you pass '==' and a verrsion number after the package
name then the service will parse that and accept that as the package's