
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer

salt.modules.vbox_guest.additions_install(*args, **kwargs)

Install VirtualBox Guest Additions. Uses the CD, connected by VirtualBox.

To connect VirtualBox Guest Additions via VirtualBox graphical interface press 'Host+D' ('Host' is usually 'Right Ctrl').

See for more details.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_install
salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_install reboot=True
salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_install upgrade_os=True
  • reboot (bool) -- reboot computer to complete installation
  • upgrade_os (bool) -- upgrade OS (to ensure the latests version of kernel and developer tools are installed)

version of VirtualBox Guest Additions or string with error


Mount VirtualBox Guest Additions CD to the temp directory.

To connect VirtualBox Guest Additions via VirtualBox graphical interface press 'Host+D' ('Host' is usually 'Right Ctrl').

CLI Example:

salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_mount
返回:True or OSError exception

Remove VirtualBox Guest Additions.

Firstly it tries to uninstall itself by executing '/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-VERSION/ uninstall'. It uses the CD, connected by VirtualBox if it failes.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_remove
salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_remove force=True
参数:force (bool) -- force VirtualBox Guest Additions removing
返回:True if VirtualBox Guest Additions were removed successfully else False

Unmount VirtualBox Guest Additions CD from the temp directory.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_umount
参数:mount_point -- directory VirtualBox Guest Additions is mounted to
返回:True or an string with error

Check VirtualBox Guest Additions version.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_version
返回:version of VirtualBox Guest Additions or False if they are not installed
salt.modules.vbox_guest.grant_access_to_shared_folders_to(name, users=None)

Grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to the users.

User is specified by it's name. To grant access for several users use argument users. Access will be denied to the users not listed in users argument.

See for more details.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vbox_guest.grant_access_to_shared_folders_to fred
salt '*' vbox_guest.grant_access_to_shared_folders_to users ['fred', 'roman']
  • name (str) -- name of the user to grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to
  • users (list of str) -- list of names of users to grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to (if specified, name will not be taken into account)

list of users who have access to auto-mounted shared folders


List users who have access to auto-mounted shared folders.

See for more details.

CLI Example:

salt '*' vbox_guest.list_shared_folders_users
返回:list of users who have access to auto-mounted shared folders