
Retrieve EC2 instance data for minions.

The minion id must be the instance-id retrieved from AWS. As an option, use_grain can be set to True. This allows the use of an instance-id grain instead of the minion-id. Since this is a potential security risk, the configuration can be further expanded to include a list of minions that are trusted to only allow the alternate id of the instances to specific hosts. There is no glob matching at this time.

  - ec2_pillar:
      use_grain: True
        - trusted-minion-1
        - trusted-minion-2
        - trusted-minion-3

This is a very simple pillar that simply retrieves the instance data from AWS. Currently the only portion implemented are EC2 tags, which returns a list of key/value pairs for all of the EC2 tags assigned to the instance.

salt.pillar.ec2_pillar.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, use_grain=False, minion_ids=None)

Execute a command and read the output as YAML