salt.states.zabbix_user module

Management of Zabbix users.

codeauthor:Jiri Kotlin <>

Ensures that the user does not exist, eventually delete user.

name: user alias
salt.states.zabbix_user.present(alias, passwd, usrgrps, **kwargs)

Ensures that the user exists, eventually creates new user.

NOTE: use argument firstname instead of name to not mess values with name from salt sls


alias: user alias passwd: user's password usrgrps: user groups to add the user to

optional kwargs:
_connection_user: zabbix user (can also be set in opts or pillar,
see execution module's docstring)
_connection_password: zabbix password (can also be set in opts or pillar,
see execution module's docstring)
_connection_url: url of zabbix frontend (can also be set in opts or pillar,
see execution module's docstring)
firstname: string with firstname of the user, use 'firstname' instead of 'name' parameter to not mess
with value supplied from Salt sls file.