
Manage groups on Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD

salt.modules.groupadd.add(name, gid=None, system=False, root=None)

Add the specified group

CLI 范例:

salt '*' group.add foo 3456
salt.modules.groupadd.adduser(name, username, root=None)

Add a user in the group.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' group.adduser foo bar

Verifies if a valid username 'bar' as a member of an existing group 'foo', if not then adds it.

salt.modules.groupadd.chgid(name, gid, root=None)

Change the gid for a named group

CLI 范例:

salt '*' group.chgid foo 4376
salt.modules.groupadd.delete(name, root=None)

Remove the named group

CLI 范例:

salt '*' group.delete foo
salt.modules.groupadd.deluser(name, username, root=None)

Remove a user from the group.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' group.deluser foo bar

Removes a member user 'bar' from a group 'foo'. If group is not present then returns True.


Return info on all groups

CLI 范例:

salt '*' group.getent

Return information about a group

CLI 范例:

salt '*' foo
salt.modules.groupadd.members(name, members_list, root=None)

Replaces members of the group with a provided list.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' group.members foo 'user1,user2,user3,...'
Replaces a membership list for a local group 'foo'.