
The networking module for RHEL/Fedora based distros


Apply global network configuration.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.apply_network_settings
salt.modules.rh_ip.build_bond(iface, **settings)

Create a bond script in /etc/modprobe.d with the passed settings and load the bonding kernel module.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.build_bond bond0 mode=balance-alb
salt.modules.rh_ip.build_interface(iface, iface_type, enabled, **settings)

Build an interface script for a network interface.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.build_interface eth0 eth <settings>

Build the global network script.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.build_network_settings <settings>
salt.modules.rh_ip.build_routes(iface, **settings)

Build a route script for a network interface.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.build_routes eth0 <settings>
salt.modules.rh_ip.down(iface, iface_type)

Shutdown a network interface

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.down eth0

Return the content of a bond script

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.get_bond bond0

Return the contents of an interface script

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.get_interface eth0

Return the contents of the global network script.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.get_network_settings

Return the contents of the interface routes script.

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.get_routes eth0
salt.modules.rh_ip.up(iface, iface_type)

Start up a network interface

CLI 范例:

salt '*' ip.up eth0